Awakening Your Higher Power For Guidance And Healing

This is a LIVE Virtual Event, Hosted By Dr. Tieraona Low Dog that is FREE to attend.


Are you looking for guidance and healing from a higher power, a way to re-vision your life and live in joyful purpose? What if there was a spiritual dimension that you could tap into at any time for soul strength and perspective?

In this FREE online talk,  Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, a renowned women’s health specialist, will take you on a healing journey of self-discovery, where you will awaken a mysterious and immensely powerful part of yourself…

The Sacred Feminine exists within us all, regardless of our physical gender. This key to a magical and heart-connected life has been celebrated and understood for thousands of years, from the Druids and Celts to the Ancient Egyptians, all the way back to the Sumerians and beyond.

This deeply intuitive and all-healing force still lives on today in our collective consciousness, just waiting to be acknowledged and empowered.

Dr. Low Dog will show you rituals and practices that call in the full power of your Sacred Feminine, bringing all other energies within you back into healing balance.

We’ll start by delving into the two main energies that flow through us, seen by many ancient cultures as our “universal life force.”

We’ll then be debunking some modern myths about what the words “feminine” and “masculine” actually mean and how destructive these misperceptions can be to our overall physical, mental and spiritual health.

Next, we’ll explore what the Sacred Feminine is and how this powerful essence within all of us can be harnessed to not only heal your physical body, but also to help you manifest truly beautiful things in your life.

Then, we’ll give you an easy experiment to find out if the Sacred Feminine is seated firmly within you right now.

Finally, we’ll show you how to create a ritual, using sacred plants, in order to invoke the Sacred Feminine within you. There are unique herbs for specific realms of internal healing and reuniting with goddess energy – we will be exploring those with you…

It’s time that we awaken this primordial superpower, to bring healing to ourselves and to the world…

In this special presentation, you will learn:


“If there’s a natural medicine superhero on this planet, it is this woman. We’ve known each other for 25 years now and have an incredible amount of life in common. This mama really walks the talk, growing her own food, living with animals in the home she built with her husband.”

Aviva Romm, M.D.

“Dr. Low Dog is a gifted teacher, herbalist, physician, and humanitarian. Through her lectures, case studies, and regular involvement in our Facebook community, I have gained a deeper understanding of the ways in which I can support my own health and that of my patients using foods and plant-based medicine. Her knowledge of botanical medicine and its application to modern medicine is expansive, well supported by evidence and experience- she is a leader in the field. Workshops at the Medicine Ranch are intimate, experiential deep dives into the world of herbal medicine- and among the most memorable teaching moments of my 30 year medical career.”

Andrea Fossati, M.D.

“I have never met a better teacher and mentor regarding the practice of medicine, herbal medicine, and integrative medicine. I take every opportunity to learn from Dr. Low Dog when I can.”

Misha Martin, M.D.


Ever since she was a young girl, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog has been interested in the natural world and natural medicine. She is recognized as one of the leading experts in integrative medicine, particularly in the area of women’s health. She is a founding member of the American Board of Integrative Medicine and the Academy of Women’s Health, and has been on the editorial board for the Journal of the North American Menopause Society since 2003, amongst many others. She has published 54 peer-reviewed scientific articles, authored 24 chapters for medical textbooks and numerous books including Women’s Health in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, National Geographic’s Life is Your Best Medicine, Healthy at Home and Fortify Your Life. She co-authored National Geographic’s Guide to Medicinal Herbs and The Botanical Safety Handbook (2nd edition) and was co-editor for Integrative Women’s Health by Oxford University Press.

She was named by Time magazine as an “Innovator in Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” she received the Burt Kallman Scientific Award, NPR’s The People’s Pharmacy Award for Excellence in Research and Communication for the Public Health and the New York Zen Center’s Compassionate Care Award.

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